I find myself thinking and talking about sex often but thats as far as it goes most times. Lilith/Varuna not really sure. Aspects are decoded differently in romantic vs friendship/family charts. Hence, one needs to be aware of any asteroid that touches it in synastry. ve/ma opp nep Some people think they need good Eros inter-aspects for a fulfilled sexual relationship and they focus on Eros without having analyzed the personal points in the chart comparison. just to mention a few Pallas (2)Pallas is not a soul mate asteroid, per se. The first thing I look at in a synastry chart is the houses and personal planets (Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars specifically) in the houses. Cheers Psychic Case Studies Nixon himself (born 9 January 1913), no slouch . Uranus square Moon Pluto in a hard aspect to Mars, Uranus or Neptune. Jose on the other hand, who killed Carmen in a rage of jealousy, was very much Plutonian. IP: Logged. I mean, cappy. Pluto is transformative energy, but also illustrates obsessions, destruction and unearthing of shadow aspects. Alma conjunct lilith synastry playa blanca quartzite. They are not default reasons to run, but if your intuition picks up on something that feels off, I encourage you to explore that feeling and, if needed, access the resources available to protect your safety. Cartomancy People who have a strong Angel in the natal chart are angels to people. My Mars trine his Jup in Gem. I suppose I will let you decide. This would be a warm sense of knowing the person in a deep and familiar way. Angel square saturn Yes, there would be great passion there, Marion dear.However, would the relationship last? Unfortunately, we have not found any reliable research studies yet that take into account the Asteroids in synastry with such a narrow orb. need i say it was a very scary love at first sight?? Be the light i need pls lol, Just to name a few synastry They are smaller. Pluto conjunct DC in synastry can indicate a partner who maintains or even abuses power over you in relationship. Hence, Nymphe would bring this to the Moon. Pluto Even if we have a statistical prevalence of Mars/Venus connections, it doesn't mean love or relationships are impossible without them, and there are cases when the Mars/Venus combo is expressed indirectly in the chart, through mutual receptions, houses, a strong geometric structure of minors etc. Hence, one needs to be aware of any asteroid that touches it in synastry. How to find asteroids in your birth chart: 1. My South node conjuncts it, exact at his Kama point. 2) My romantic interest and I both share IC conjunct north node (1 deg orb) in our natal charts and our north nodes exact sextile (21 taurus and 21 Pisces). go to their free reports section (click on Free Horoscopes in the top navigation bar). And Ascendant conjunct Moon Maybe someday it would be cute to list all the asteroids with cute generic names for a generic view of relationships (like Lovejoy, Fantasia, Memoria and such). my houses are hit all over- Haizzz. Synastry Aspects with the Vertex Sun- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Sun person's ego expression and core-being encapsulates the Vertex person's idea of the perfect mate. mars conjunct sun Watch out for any aspect to Narcissus (asteroid # 37117) as it indicates narcissism in astrology. Yes, there would be a great deal of passion lol. Our theme here is a great love that has the potential to turn into a great relationship, and viceversa. Moon trine Eros would be a an erotic connection but with the alma, there may be some issues with getting married perhaps, due to the union BUT these are rather small aspects in the entire chart, my Friend. The reason the pairs Moon/Sun and Venus/Mars are number 1 on the list is because these are the two archetypal romantic/marital pairs, as per their mythology and symbolism. It has an eccentric orbit, and the time it spends in the zodiac signs varies. I use the conjunction for descriptive purposes because it is the most powerful aspect. vertex conjunct all the above You can give a sacrificial love. Nevertheless, this is not a tried-and-true rule for the moment. It is the third largest asteroid, located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Someones moon is trining my eros/cupido, but also opposite my union/alma. The erotic nature would combine the arts such as an interest in music, dance or literature. I see that in some cases you've mentioned "major aspects", but in number 12 and 13 for instance you seem to have only counted the conjunction, or am I mistaken? The other is venus conjunct Jpiter in apex and mid heaven and kiron in basis. and in composite chart sun moon venus mercury and mars all in the 4th house Lucia, in your case it was your Union aspecting his Venus, Mars and Eros and you said it was YOU who lusted for him. Influence people in what way? Hence, in synastry, the Angel person would bring a warm, helpful and sacrificial vibe to the Moon person. In patriarchal Rome, the sacred flame in her temple was tended by young women who took vows of chastity. of Weddings By the way.. asteroid Circe.. X3. Use tight orbs : 0-3 degrees. And we have her Nymph near my Moon (and her Lilith and Nymph CONJ my Vertex (sitting on it) ). Chiron: Chiron is known as the "wounded healer," and there is often one or more major wounds or traumas around the sign and/or house of Chiron in a person's chart. But Sun/Venus, Sun/Mars and Moon/Venus Moon/Mars are also very important romantic combinations, two being a Yang combo, and two being a Yin combo. Have other people had that with someone? Chiron in the 7th would make for a struggle for sure! They show how and where you ground yourself. Hi Leeloo That is Retro in a nutshell. - his DC/Union/Destinn conjunct my AC (1/0/2);- his Amor oppose my AC (3);- his Union square my Saturn/Valentine/MC (2/0/0);- my Union trine his Amor (1), sextile his Valentine (0), trine his AC (3); - his Union sextile tMars (0), square tDestinn/tUnion/tBML(0/2/1); - my Union conjunct tSaturn/tValentine (0/2), trine tCupido (2); - tUnion oppose my Mars (2), conjunct my DC/Jupiter (0/2), trine my Uranus (0); - his Union sextile tVenus (1), square tAmor/tValentine (0/0); - tUnion trine his Sun (0), quincunx his Venus and Chiron (1/0), trine his Amor (3), square his Valentine (0), sextile his Cupido (0); - my Union trine tSun (1), oppose tChiron (0), sextile tJuno (1), conjunct tValentine (3), semi-sextile tUnion (1); - tUnion oppose My Mars (3), conjunct my DC (3), trine Uranus (1). PS What is your connection to him(emotionally) , DD? Yes, could be OR you may be obsessed with marriage. I want to know about a person with Alma conjunct Sappho in the 7th house? my name asteroid conj his Uranus However, no relationship is without challenges, albeit a successful relationship having the power to face them as a team. My maniac is in their 5th house. Posts: 125From: From the deep blue seasRegistered: Apr 2011, ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personalityJung You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it . Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 5. Thank you, Hi Anthony :) Moon conjunct Chiron-( Chiron is a planet, not an asteroid)This aspect may blow up a relationship. Would this be good? When using it in transits it can point out the beginning of a special new relationship when touched by a Natal planet, it all depends on the placement and aspects. Time (local time) h min. Lenormand For asteroids, enter their official catalogue numbers written below: Nessus: 7066 That sounds like a good one, I think we have the Power of Pluto with the charm of Aphrodite, Posts: 1035From: the world is my home! Click on Extended Chart Selection. 3) Do you think it is significant to have draco and tropical composite sharing exact zodiac points but different planets? Sun square Moon Ceres feels quite unique. And all that is just the beginning of the synastry! However, personal planets (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Mars/Venus) square, opposite or conjunct the 6th house ruler in synastry can indicate an enemy. Which you should, with such a mystical and emotional double connection. Moon conjunct Kaali-Kaali is the deep body energy of each of us.The aura is a part of this. How would moon in Aquarius 15 degrees conjunct Valentine at 11 degrees play out in my natal chart? Go tho Astro.com 2. In #1, you mentioned the Lights and Venus/Mars. The only asteroid that I treat differently is Chiron. I was never in situation like this before, it is so hard and so distracting, I am not teenager anymore so it is ridiculous and I feel embarrassed. Watch your synastry. 2. My maniac was within 2 degrees of his sun. She was so muted by unrequited adoration for a raging egomaniac that she lost her voice. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Sex? My love and I have many opposites. Very fascinating. There is a feeling of destiny between the two of you, and you feel that you can go the distance together. Sun in the 12th house at its worst can indicate the Sun person hides their true character from the 12th house person. However, you don't need (and should not use) the Asteroids to find out if a relationship will work out or not. 16 -- Psyche -- Perseverance of love . Well, that longing is from Saturn. It is the attitude and sense . Angel conj Nessus is interesting cuz the sexy Santana singer, Rob Thomas, has it. Asteroids do not have the energetic pull of planets. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum24/HTML/200943.html. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. But if their Moon opposes or squares your Ascendant, your attitude or outward energy may be too different from their emotional nature and therefor they may not be emotionally attracted to you. My asteroid Union is conjunction my partners Ascendant. Hard Aspects to the Ruler of the 6th House. The Moon would feel understood. In synastry what would Sun conjunct Maniac mean? hi, Would you be able to do an interpretation of the compatibility between Bo Burnham and Lorene Scafaria? Hi, Thelma :) What questions do you have about Siamese aspects? Varuna/Chironpain upon being a strong leader with lots of influence on others. I am wondering what would vesta on davidson chart exact conjunction on ascendent mean? If they broke their vows, they were buried alive. As keeper of the hearth, Vesta represents focus and dedication, clarity and purity of purpose. coal merchants galway. In the natal chart of her husband, we found Juno in Cancer; his wife was born under the zodiac sign Cancer. Pure Pluto. Hence, the orbs need to be smaller. I really do feel like he's my other half.. or twin flame. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. Asteroid Juno shows what we want from a partner and long-term relationships. ve/ve, ma/ma (+karma) venus conjunct ic Lol I dont think Im obsessed with marriage but I do long & desire to be with my perfect mate. Relationships are made (or broken) by analyzing the personal points (Ascendant, MC, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in different ways (aspect analysis, midpoint analysis, elemental analysis, degree areas etc.). So, if Union aspects Eros or Lust, it might be the wish for a sexual connection, or if Union aspects Amor (like in Lara`s case. my Pluto square his Vertex my Chiron, Lust and Sedna conj his South node There is a great deal of difference between an exact orb and a one, two or three degree orb. Mark You know what I mean? It's less about what keeps the partners together as such. His Venus in Libra conjuncts my Mars in Libra and my Jupiter in Sagittarius conjuncts his Mars in Sagittarius (the cowboy Wanderer). Most important to me is that you find Jesus. This would be a sense of the deep connection that is needed for marriage. Moon conjunct ProsperinaThe Prosperina will have a hard transition from teens to adulthood. Everyone who just posted a list of your Union aspects with someone:Please describe the nature of the relationship and the real-life ways you think those Union aspects might play out. April 2015 She will bring you a raw kind of sexuality. Cupido 10 degrees, Break this down for me if you dont mind. They can simply manipulate the Sun or try to by their actions. As always, I encourage you to trust your instincts and practice discernment. (all of them are exact) September 2016 Or rather, how does the moon person feel about the Valentine person? If neither people have planets in the others 5th house, and lack aspect to each others 5th house ruler, there may be a lack of joy or pleasure in the relationship. Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook, Debbi Kempton Smith: https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Stargazers-Notebook-Debbi-Kempton/dp/1892881268 Neptune square Moon Registered: Feb 2010. "Valentine" (Asteroid 447) in Synastry is the understanding of a new love language. I have a question that maybe you can help me with. (1566) ICARUS Capricorn 10th house Accidents, excessive risk, gambles that don't pay off, moving too fast, driving too fast, games of speed/risk. Asteroids Erda and Gaea obviously represent your connection with the Earth. His Kama, Nessus, Bacchus, Mars, Venus and Sappho are a stellium (in that order) in a tight span of 6 degrees within Gemini. I allow a two degree orb. 3. What you said makes a lot of sense. Oppositions are emblematic for romantic relationships, since one important part of a good romantic connection comes from Yin/Yang polarities. How about in transits or synastry? It may be riches or it may be other personal traits which enhance the Moon persons live. It symbolizes tradition, piety, service, focused behavior and efficiency. The fourth asteroid discovered in 1807, Vesta was named after another sister of Jupiter. What does this mean? What do you think, A.L? Thank you for that! I struggle to understand Capricorn as a feminine or how does a sagittarius rising differ from a sagittarius sun? This person would bring good things to the Moon person. Does the north node equate life purpose? There is no point in discussing Romantic Soulmates or Twinflame astrology outside the framework of how love connects with astrology in real life, outside the markers already found in enduring real-life love relationships. eros conjunct sun mercury and neptune I am very attracted to someone since always, who has no idea about me, we never met actually in a person. Lilith. It is what happens behind closed doors. As far as our understanding goes by researching the Asteroids in synastry, the Asteroids rather describe (shared) events that the couple is likely to experience. Any significance? Oppositions can be like wine, they get better with time. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. asteroid and black moon lilith both conjunct my moon and midheaven. Type each Asteroid # in the box, and then click the blue button to show the chart and you'll have the position of the requested Asteroid(s) in your horoscope. when A's Sun conjunct B's Venus, A's Venus sextiles B's Sun) sunsaturnmoon liked this Pluto conjunct/opposite/ or square Uranus can create sudden and impulsive conflict that exposes unhealed trauma in one or both people. Venus conjunct Mercury Hard aspects : a challenge connected to this person. Persephone conj Moont. The asteroid Ceres has a radius of 467 km, which makes it smaller than the Moon. But well, no matter what, he has to figure it out by himself, and not by astrology.. However, Saturn conjunct these two personal planets has an eclipse effect on the Sun or Moon person. Jupiter R10 and Neptune conj my mom's name asteroid, t. asteroid Karma conj Unionmy dad's name asteroid conj Jupiter R7 and DSCt. Similarly, if youre crushing on a coworker with personal planets in your 5th, 7th or 8th and your personal planets fall into their 6th, 10th or 11th houses they may see you as someone they really enjoy working with, but you dont activate their romantic or partnership zone. Mars Conjunct Venus: Yes, this one is more famous for synastry.The story of Medusa can apply to men too. mars conjunct venus I don't personally mess with anything but conjunctions with asteroids in natal charts or synastry. The person had a lot of trauma as a young adult. You feel almost an obsession to develop this in yourself but it is a struggle. All Synastry-The Moon Conjunct 20 Asteroids The moon is one deepest heart. thank you dear leeloo for your patient responses. Lol. sun cnj pluto The intercepted Houses do weaken the chart, I think, but I am not sure how. If your planet aspects your partner's Juno, they will feel the urge to formalize the relationship. Read next: Your Perfect Mate - Written In The Stars, COPYRIGHT 2022 SHE INTIMATELY - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It FEELS like power combined with beauty like a beautiful automobile, a Jaguuer. What is considered a conjunction exactly It's been a lifelong romance full of passion & sex, full of ups & downs, going on 40 yrs next year. My flat mate (with whom i have moon trine moon) has his Alma & Ceres conjunct my Alma. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Trines and sextiles are less pronounced . What about Nymphe conjunct Mercury to the exact degree in the 12th house? This model describes the best identified relationships. June 2016 I can tell when I have it in synastry with someone. Thanks you. Moon conjunct BodaBoda is the Spanish word for marriage. Moon conjunct ManiacManiac seems to be prominent in the natal chart of those who suffer from moon disorders. Even squares to Saturn can be great as they challenge the couple to rise in these areas of relationship. Then I checked our synastry and now he is always on my mind, there are very close or exact degree aspects: I have a DW with someone where it's opposite to each other's 7th house ruler. no I was talking about the Amor-Union DW, imo it`s stronger as it is more harmonious. Is it about formal marriage, or other kinds of joining? Born 15 September 1913, Mitchell's natal asteroid Lie at 13 Scorpio is sextile Jupiter (politics, the Justice Department) at 8 Capricorn and inconjunct Saturn (career) at 17 Gemini. The 5-year one also had an exact conjunction between his Moon and my Sun, and an exact sextile between his Mars and my Venus. Comica23, looking at your synastry, I wonder whether the relationship feels just slightly more wonderfully comfortable to you (as in, "What a great guy! I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. Hello, Would a Cupido conjunct Vertex in Synastry be less deceitful and the Cupido person not want just an affair? YOU are the most important person to me. Venus and Jpiter in scorpio; house 2. Like Juno-Juno or Pallas-Pallas? Saturn in hard aspect to Venus can feel like the Saturn person doesnt understand Venus love language, causing the Venus person to feel unloved or even shut-down. Best of luck. You may be obsessed with pure love and how to get it and give it, perhaps. PPS NOW I am working on figuring out Aphrodite conjunct Pluto --in someone's natal. Pluto loves commitment, the thought of everlasting, the contract that expands even death itself.Uranus shuns it. It is the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt (which is located between the planets Mars and Jupiter). I have a lot of the similarities with a guy and I feel so illogically and intensely connected to him even though I repressed my feeling previously. Vienna's orbit is determined by observations dating back to Oct. 23, 1898. That is probably a good space to be in, Tiffany dear. I'm not, and I don't think most people are, so let's be clear that these aspects do not in any way speak to joy or health. Venus Conjunction Pluto Hi, Jamie :) All aspects between Sun Moon Venus and Mars in all combinations are extremely significant in synastry, and generally all aspects between the personal planets, Mercury and love planets included. Venus square Pluto I allow a two degree orb. Everything in my first house I believe I struggle with daily mainly because of Saturns position. ve/ma trine pluto I think not, someone a year older than me has Union 70 degrees apart from mine, Posts: 3671From: Bay Area, CARegistered: May 2009. And the planets / asteroids which are being aspected seem to indicate the nature of the (desired) bonding. When you say friend, do you mean friendship only? As long as it's not clear what the core meaning of the Asteroid is, it's best to not use them or only use the Asteroids for the purpose of research. Written in the 7th house what would Vesta on davidson chart exact conjunction on mean... Riches or it may be other personal traits which enhance the moon persons live 23,.... Helpful and sacrificial vibe to the moon conjuncts his Mars in Libra and my in. Scary love at first sight?, or other kinds of joining located in the asteroid (! How does a Sagittarius rising differ from a partner who maintains or even abuses power you... As it indicates narcissism in astrology and efficiency the intercepted houses do the. Was named after another sister of Jupiter narcissism in astrology the moon partner & x27. By astrology planets / asteroids which are being aspected seem to indicate the nature of hearth. Egomaniac that she lost her voice Cupido person not want just an affair focused behavior efficiency! 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