Operation Spring Awakening - Unionpedia, the concept map Operation Spring Awakening (Unternehmen Frhlingserwachen) (6 - 16 March 1945) was the last major German offensive of World War II. Hong Kong The following day, its divisions, Das Reich and the Hohenstaufen, were ordered forward to their final assembly areas for the new offensive, south and southeast of Szkesfehrvar. WikiMatrix. Yugoslav Front red, 181st Tank Brigade (T-34/85, markings: 6xx, e.g. The defenses were made up of three zones. Another, in spite of the unfavorable ground conditions, reached the high ground 2.5 kilometers north of Simontornya before being halted by dug-in antitank guns and heavy artillery fire from positions south of the Sio canal. (uncut) Add to Cart. Even regiments were redesignated as construction teams. This offensive was also known in German as the Plattensee Offensive , in Russian as the Balaton Defensive Operation (6 - 15 March 1945), and in . Operation Spring Awakening involved many German units withdrawn from the failed Ardennes Offensive on the Western Front including the Sixth SS Panzer Army. [17], The Soviet Forces, contrary to the Germans, did not have such odd structural complications as the Soviet Armies could make independent decisions while the Stavka could intervene when asked or if necessary;[62] a much more straight forward military structure with clear boundaries. By 15 April, the depleted German 6th Army was north of Graz, facing the Soviet 26th and 27th Armies. Artillery Regiment (SU-100, markings: 4xx, e.g. Iwo Jima West Hunan -in diamond-, SS-Pz.Rgt 12 (Panther Ausf. [52] The security of the lands West of the River Danube, particularly in the south which held the Hungarian oil fields, was the Germans' main priority at this stage of the war. The advance stalled on 15 March, and on 16 March the Red Army and allied units began their delayed Vienna offensive. The Germans were driven back to the positions they had held before Operation Spring Awakening began. Nazi plunder The division was deployed with two regiments forward and a third on a flank in depth. The Soviet's Vienna Offensive ended with the fall of the city on 13 April. Our Price $62.00. In addition to the Sixth Guards Tank Army already assembled just west of Budapest, another 24 rifle divisions, a tank corps, and a guards mechanized corps were being made ready for the strike across the rear of Sepp Dietrichs command. Okinawa This is why when we write java entity classes, we often return objects and values, so it is customary to add a tostring method; 4. Other deceptive measures included unloading part of the Sixth Panzer Army staff near Berlin and making it known that their final destination was in the Frankfurt-am-Oder area and, despite the air threat, actually sending the Tiger IIs of I SS Panzer Corps via the Berlin area before routing them through Vienna to Hungary. SS-Pz.Rgt 2 (Panther Ausf. sfn error: no target: CITEREFGreat_Patriotic_War_without_Secracy2010 (, O. Baronov, Balaton Defense Operation, Moscow, 2001, P.82-106. [1] Marshal Tolbukhin reinforced Lt. Gen.Gagyen, the Twenty-Sixth Army commander, with two tank brigades and three antitank regiments from his reserve XVIII Tank Corps, and Gagyen ordered these units to take up positions confronting III Panzer and II SS Panzer Corps. Almost inevitably, Operation Spring Awakening was a failure for Germans. Spring Awakening's execution was made possible after a little known German victory against Soviet forces in northern Hungary, called Operation Southwind (Unternehmen Sdwind), which concluded on 24 February 1945 and was "a brilliant success" (10). The offensive began in great secrecy on 6 March 1945 with an attack near Lake Balaton , the area included some of the last oil reserves still available to the Axis. Artillery Regiment (ISU-152, captured Hummels, e.g. Thus beginning on 17 February, Operation Southwind began the effort to secure the Garam bridgehead from the 2nd Ukrainian Front, and by 24 February the task was successfully achieved, proving to be the very last successful German offensive of the war. It was a failure for Nazi Germany. The southern thrust was designed to cut off and destroy Dietrichs Sixth Panzer Army. The state of the ground caused great anxiety in the German command. Military production 707th Ground Attack Regiment (IL-2m3 Sturmovik), e.g. In the Hitlerjugend sector things also went reasonably well, particularly when one considers that there were no roads and few negotiable tracks in its area. [36] This operational overlap caused by the centralized command led to disagreements, shortages, waste, inefficiencies, and delays, often escalating to the point where Hitler himself would have to give the final ruling on a matter. Although Szkesfehrvar and the ground between it and Lake Balaton were held by February 3, the Germans were more or less back to their original positions. [57] The 26th Army's Corps' would be layered in two belts whose defensive preparations had originally begun back on 11 February,[57] prior to any sign of German offensive intentions. Artillery Battalion (SU-76M), 3rd Tank Brigade (T-34/85, markings: B -in diamond- and xx, e.g. The attack reached a high point about five kilometers northwest of Sarosd but then bogged down. On March 8, I SS Panzer Corps attack gained momentum, and by evening Nagy had been secured against minimal opposition, as had the EnyingDg road about three kilometers west of Dg. Market Garden After new territory had been captured, Soviet collection teams scoured the countryside and towns to document and photograph knocked out Axis vehicles and tanks. Nevertheless, despite these gains there was little doubt that the Sixth Panzer Armys offensive was losing its momentum. Operation Spring Awakening (German: Unternehmen Frhlingserwachen) was the last major German offensive of World War II. Berlin Summary. G, Pz.IV Ausf. The I SS Panzer Corps was more successful. A desperate military situation forces Carl Goerdeler's Emergency Reich Government (ERG) to make a bargain with the devil. Art. These forces were opposed by more than 1,200 guns and mortars and, in theory but in the event not in practice, by some 300 Soviet tanks and assault guns. Undetected by German intelligence, the buildup for the forthcoming Soviet offensive was proceeding rapidly on the 12th. Hungary Mar 16, 2015 #1 hasdrubal barca Decision on the Danube: Operation Spring Awakening ATL Part 1: Off to Budapest! The city had fallen on 13 February 1945. This bridgehead was seen by the Germans as a potential assembly area for a major thrust toward Vienna and as such it had to be eliminated before the Germans could launch Spring Awakening. What of the more successful I SS Panzer Corps during this period? Manila Over 400 square kilometres of ground had been recaptured from the Soviets in Operation South-wind. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt Mnchen 2007, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Battles of World War II involving Hungary, Military operations of World War II involving Germany, Military operations of World War II involving Bulgaria, Battles and operations of the SovietGerman War, Military history of Bulgaria during World War II, Finnish prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, German prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, German prisoners of war in the United States, Italian prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, Japanese prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, Japanese prisoners of war in World War II, Polish prisoners of war in the Soviet Union, Romanian prisoners of war in the Soviet Union. Such thaws had previously badly affected 3 other operations in the area: planned Operation Sptlese in December, Operation Southwind, and the Waldteufel attack forcing a change of location for the attack bridgehead from Osijek to Donji Miholjac. By the second half of February Soviet intelligence identified large German tank formations in west Hungary, and soon realized that preparation for a major offensive was underway. The operation was referred to in Germany as the Plattensee offensive and in the Soviet Union as the Balaton defensive operation. [61] Between the 4th Guards Army and 26th Guards Army, 66 anti-tank zones were created whose depth reached 3035km. Artillery (Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer, e.g. [24], On 27 January, Guderian was tasked by Hitler to stop the 3rd Ukrainian Front in the vicinity on the Margit Line in order to protect the vital oil fields. Operation Spring Awakening (German: Unternehmen Frhlingserwachen) was the last major German offensive of World War II. The similarities between the Balaton offensive, the Mortain counterattack in Normandy, and the Battle of the Bulge are obviousthe difference being that the Americans had no prior warning and had to react to events rather than preplan them. Since the main German threat was known to be in the Third Ukrainian Front sector, the Soviets concentrated the bulk of their forces between Lake Balaton and a point some 20 kilometers to the north of Szkesfehrvar. [50], The 6th Panzer Army was responsible for the primary thrust of the offensive, Frhlingserwachen. white, 18th Guards Tank Regiment (M4A2(76)W Sherman, markings: '1xx', e.g. WikiMatrix. You essentially have two fronts to battle in this campaign, 1 south of lake Balaton and 1 north. Das Reich and Hohenstaufen were to attack side by side on a 10-kilometer frontage, from a start line running due west from Sereglyes. Between 25 April and 4 May, the 2nd Panzer Army was attacked near Nagykanizsa during the NagykanizsaKrmend Offensive. The attack order was a Fhrer Order, and that was that. Last major German offensive on the Eastern Front of World War II, Interrupted Soviet offensive preparations. March 12 saw the status quo more or less continue on II SS Panzer Corps front. According to the Soviet official history, his forces totalled 407,000 men, 6,890 guns and mortars, 407 tanks and self-propelled guns, and 965 aircraft, but it is likely that many of his formations were much weaker than these figures suggest. The last major German offensive on the eastern front. The operation was referred to in Germany as the Plattensee offensive and in the Soviet Union as the Balaton defensive operation. G.F. Krivosheyev, 'Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the twentieth century', London, Greenhill Books, 1997, G.F. Krivosheyev, 'Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the twentieth century', London, Greenhill Books, 1997, p. 156-7, G.F. Krivosheyev, 'Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the twentieth century', London, Greenhill Books, 1997, p.156-7, 16th SS Panzer Grenadier Division Reichsfhrer-SS, Military history of Bulgaria during World War II, "Hitler's Last Offensive: Operation Spring Awakening", "New achievements in WW II. + Dugouts will from now on be available via Build Dugout action by a general (this option alternates by turn/general with Operation Movement action on the menu), https://www.conflict-series.com/privacy-policy.html. [15] Hitler ordered OB West Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt to withdraw the following units from active combat in the Battle of the Bulge: I SS Panzer Corps with 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte and 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, along with II SS Panzer Corps with 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich and 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen. Between 16 and 25 April, the Hungarian Third Army was destroyed about 40 kilometres (25mi) west of Budapest by the Soviet 46th Army which was driving towards Bratislava and on to the Vienna area. G.F. Krivosheyev, 'Soviet Casualties and Combat Losses in the twentieth century', London, Greenhill Books, 1997. The area over which the Waffen SS divisions were to advance, although very open, is gently rolling country with a number of significant hill features and ridges. 715th Ground Attack Regiment (IL-2m3 Sturmovik) 1 long, 1 short diagonal tail stripe, e.g. It was not uncommon for the Soviets to actually search out and exploit the boundaries between the OKW and OKH as they knew these areas would suffer from poorer military command;[62] the advance to Budapest is an example.[36]. On 16th March the Red Army attacked in strength and the Germans were driven back to the same positions which they were at the start of the offensive. Artillery Regiment (SU-100), 1453rd Self-prop. Borneo Finland Some 1.5 to two kilometers farther back was another position made up of one continuous and one intermittent trench and then, three to five kilometers from the frontline lay a final trench line and strongpoint. Spring Awakening p1. Lend-Lease The Los Angeles-based Deaf West Theatre, which has been in operation since 1991, . Meanwhile, Marshal Georgi Zhukovs and Marshal Ivan Konevs offensives in the north had advanced over 150 kilometers. The advance of the Sixth SS Panzer Army, while impressive, was well short of its ambitious goals. Serious concerns were expressed by Sepp Dietrich and his senior staff officers that as the Sixth Panzer Army and III Panzer Corps moved southeast and east they would become increasing vulnerable to any counteroffensive launched by the Soviet forces already located north of Szkesfehrvar and west of the Danube. The movement of the Sixth Guards Tank Army with some 500 tanks to an assembly area just west of Budapest was completed, and a second attack army was moving in behind the army defending the sector immediately to the north of Lake Valencei. These are the main units that were a part of the Army Groups/Front which saw combat in Operation Spring Awakening. He pointed out that any attempt to advance farther south in the I SS Panzer Corps area would be inexpedient owing to the hilly terrain and the corps exposed left flank. Product Description. It proved impossible to fully refit Dietrichs divisions by January 30; personnel and material replacements continued to arrive during the loading for the move to the east, during the move itself, and even after arrival in Hungary. Artillery Regiment (SU-76M), 11th Guards Cavalry Division (71st Tank Regiment: T-34, M4A2(75)W Sherman), 12th Guards Cavalry Division (54th Tank Regiment: T-34), 63rd Cavalry Division (60th Guards Tank regiment: M3 Lee, Valentine Mk. [33], Army Group South and the OKH could not agree on how to best utilize the 1st Cavalry Corps. Another rifle division and a tank brigade were allotted to XXX Corps, and the division that had come under command the previous day took up positions facing west along the Sarviz canal north of Sarbogard. J, Flakpanzer IV 'Wirbelwind'). IL-2m3, 639th Ground Attack Regiment (IL-2m3 Sturmovik), e.g. white, 11th Guards Separate Motorcycle Battalion, 864th Self-prop. Artillery Regiment (SU-76M, No. Artillery Battalion (SU-76M), 122nd Separate Self-prop. The Russians viewed the events of March 9 with some alarm. It took place in Western Hungary on the Eastern Front and lasted from 6 March until 15 March, 1945. On 17 February 1945, the Soviet High Command (Stavka) instructed the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts to prepare for an offensive towards Vienna which would begin on March 15. It took place in Hungary. Although the Soviets learned of the impending German offensive during the Gran bridgehead fighting, the Supreme Soviet Headquarters in Moscow decreed that two of the Russian armies due to take part in the Vienna offensive were to continue their preparations and were not to be included in any defensive planning. In view of the time needed to refit and move the Sixth Panzer Army to the Eastern Front and to secure the ground west of the Danube for the new offensive, Hitler ordered a preliminary attack in Hungary on January 18. [30], The four plans were sent to Guderian on 22 February for review, and Army Group South informed Army Group F commander Maximilian von Weichs on 23 February that the operation would commence on 5 March, in anticipation that Operation Sdwind (G: South Wind) would have finished successfully by 24 February. U.S.A. 679183 at Simontornya), 13th Guards Air-landing Self-prop. 75th Guards Self-prop. As Operation Spring Awakening would be of great importance, lengthy preparation and strategic care was taken so as to not reveal the offensive. Ten armoured (Panzer) and five infantry divisions, including a large number of new heavy Tiger II tanks, struck 3rd Ukrainian Front, hoping to reach the Danube and link up with the German 2nd Panzer Army forces attacking south of Lake Balaton. Heers-Sturm. El despertar primaveral en el jardn comienza con el Festival de campanillas de tres das. Indonesian National Revolution. The Germans attacked in three prongs: Frhlingserwachen in the Balaton-Lake Velence-Danube area, Eisbrecher south of Lake Balaton, and Waldteufel south of the Drava-Danube triangle. Strategically, the operation had no impact upon the outcome of World War II. Whler ordered Dietrich to move I SS Panzer Corps to the area north of Varpalota and subordinate it to Army Group Balck. By first light on the 4th, Das Reich, after moving through Gyr and Zirc, had reached the Varpalota area while the Hohenstaufen, following a route through Kisbr, was in the region of Mor. However, the commanding staff of Army Group E was pessimistic about the LXXXXI Corps' ability to reach Mohcs due to the unfavorable terrain and sole dependence on infantry. Artillery Regiment (SU-100), 1922nd Self-prop. Artillery Regiment (SU-100, markings: 4xx), 1953rd Self-prop. Pz.Rgt 23 (Panther, Pz.IV, JPz.IV/L70(A), e.g. The Das Reich attack was no more successful. The aim of this attack was, as Dietrich had feared, to strike the rear of the Sixth Panzer Army. [55] The 3rd Ukrainian Front worked on digging in, creating extensive trench networks ideal for anti-tank defenses, along with defensive earthworks for the artillery and infantry. There were only two hard surface roads running southeast from Szkesfehrvar, and even these had been turned into rivers of mud by the thaw. [29] The operation would be considered a success if 1) Operation Konrad III could pin the Soviets between the Vrtes mountains and the Danube, 2) the 8th Army could secure its Front in Northern Hungary, 3) if the incoming panzer armies could be refitted during transit to create the advantage of surprise. Farther to the west, the 3rd and 4th Cavalry Divisions were forced back to their start lines by Soviet counterattacks. Artillery Battalion (SU-76M), 85th Guards Self-prop. The OKW and OKH did not use common terminology for parts of the offensive, as OKH referred to the entire offensive as Frhlingserwachen, while the OKW referred to the operation attacking north of the Drava as "Waldteufel". IL-2m3. In reaction to the 1972 Munich massacre, Israel carried out Operation Spring of Youth. Early on but, unit counts and map size Russian AI are all so far so good. Budapest Join historians and history buffs alike with our Unlimited Digital Access pass to every military history article ever published (over 3,000 articles) in Sovereigns military history magazines. Lining up plans in Falls Church? Artillery Regiment (SU-100), 1068th Self-prop. Of this attack was, as Dietrich had feared, to strike the rear of offensive! 400 square kilometres of Ground had been recaptured from the failed Ardennes offensive on the Western Front including the SS. Subordinate it to Army Group Balck en el jardn comienza con el Festival de campanillas tres! 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