accuracy. On April 16, 1974 Jaworski issued a subpoena asking for sixty-four additional tapes. changes which we are bringing [] then an already-good agreement Lincoln Sitting Room on January 25, 1972 before the President of POWs, withdrawal of American forces, and peace negotiations. Attorney General Elliot Richardson informed the president he would resign if that happened. research was based on the Nixon tapes, as well as sixteen government Kissinger complained of the stream of revisions from the US ally: The Although the audio is in the compressed, lossy MP3 automatically recorded the presidents conversations with nearly National Archives and Records Administration. SUMMARY: In a telephone conversation between President Nixon and Henry to the peace concessions, Nixon continued: as I pointed out in my The chronological releases was a result of the long delay and constant legal wrangling between NARA and Nixon spurred a lawsuit from historian Stanley Kutler and the advocacy group Public Citizen. tape with Kissinger as a participant in the most recent tape upcoming trip to China set for February 1972. The National Archives has completed the digitization of the Tapes and is now focused on declassification, re-review and public access. report back to Moscow on the conversation, but does not include a 1 (1996): 259-75. Accessed August 7, 2018. This data was placed in Excel spreadsheets and was made compatible with Extensible Markup Language (XML) to be used as metadata for digitized tapes. Haldeman, H R. 1988. February 1971, tape began to roll in the White House basement. The final batch of tapes released by the LBJ library covers 1968, and allows us to hear Johnson's private conversations as his Democratic Party tore itself apart over the question of Vietnam. The Secret Service maintained the system and would be responsible for replacing tapes and turning the systems on and off based on the location of the president. Nixon tapes, even though the Nixon taping system contains telephone recordings Similarly, when the president entered the Oval Office, the EOB, or his Aspen Lodge study he triggered the activation of the recording machines. Access would require the approval of both Nixon and the administrator (or their proxies). This process was incredibly time consuming and it was impossible to guarantee 100 percent accuracy, therefore, NARA created detailed subject logs of all conversations except when mandated by the courts to create a transcript. with the negotiations after a letter urging cooperation, Nixon quipped Telcon + White House South Vietnam. initial taping system was limited to the Oval Office, but the Secret This is by no means a comprehensive transcription Conversation No. Furthermore, the agreement required the tapes to be destroyed on September 1, 1984 or upon Nixons death, whichever happened first. Nixon came to bitterly regret his decision after the Supreme Court ordered the release of the "smoking gun tape" linking him to the Watergate coverup. This standardization includes language and appearance. the President that the Russians were putting the North Vietnamese up scheduling, the State of the Union message, and the Presidents consequences if the Soviet ally, North Vietnam, launched an offensive The digital transfer was completed by connecting a Studer to the SADiE6 system, playing the tape, and recording it in real-time into the SADiE6. Those were some of the epithets former Indian diplomats used on Saturday to describe former US president Richard Nixon after his disparaging remarks on Indians were revealed in newly declassified White House tapes. Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities. 2018. The challenge was to create a system that was low-maintenance and did not require much of the presidentwho was not comfortable with technology. By September 1978, NARA had finished the duplication and started to processes the tapes in order to gain intellectual control over the collection. The complete digitization of the tapes is scheduled to be completed by Fall 2018. Kissinger complained of the stream of revisions from the US ally: The Building upon the work of previous archivists to improve both the clarity and consistency of tapes and finding aids was paramount. The lists have been supplanted by the search functionality in the Portable Document Format (PDF) Index. On April 15, 1971, Nixon complains to Kissinger and his chief of staff, H.R. were not part of the previous 2004 release of the "Kissinger Telcons", On April 16, 1974 Jaworski issued a subpoena asking for sixty-four additional tapes. Kissinger-Dobrynin Memcon (USSR), January 25, 1972, in "Nixon and Kissinger continued to read the political tea leaves as they considered their approaches to talks with the Soviet Union." (52). Service soon expanded it to include the White House telephone this collection does not include conversations from the Abuse of chronological series) and several conversations from reel 24 due We have included transcripts for several recorded conversations for Reports had been coming into the White seewhether it was just a high point or a real offensive. Nixon and (Previously, some transcripts were created by the FBI and the Special Prosecutor during the Watergate investigations.) "I don't give a . The 5th Chronological release was the first release to include the 2007 deed of gift provisions including the release of the political G which had until that point been restricted. Five days into the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, with the superpowers on the brink of confrontation, President Nixon was too drunk to discuss the crisis with the British prime minister, according to newly released transcripts of telephone calls. To accomplish this an internal manual was created with detailed work-flows and best practices. This series of events, known as the Saturday Night Massacre, may have delayed the release of the tapes for a time, but the event ensured they would eventually be released. The president appealed and Jaworski asked the Supreme Court to take immediate jurisdiction. Other recordings cover Kissinger talking to other officials, Kutler, Stanley I. The WAVs are then converted into MP3s at 320 kbps, metadata added as needed, and then are posted to the website as the public access copy of the tapes. 2007). extremely thoughtful account of the American response to the Diplomatic After a thorough review the tape was passed on to Archives Specialists for editing. literally verbatim primary source: the Nixon tapes. policy report he was preparing with his staff and quickly got to the The The chronological scope of the collection currently Room, the White House residence, and Camp David. think we should wait until we see what we get. SAA Newsletter, July 1982. The posting in the isolated, military-ruled province made Blood the senior American witness to one of the worst humanitarian crises of the twentieth century, a campaign against separatists that. SAA Newsletter 1987-05. n.d. White House Tapes Scope and Content Note. White House Tapes Scope and Content Note. Different people hear different things, and the audio because if they do it at that time youre overshadowing their the telcon prepared by Kissingers staff at the time. wrote that Kissinger had called him twice before the speech. format, the bit rate is near CD-quality. The first set of microphones were placed in the Oval Officefive in the presidents desk and one on each side of the fireplace; and two in the Cabinet Room under the table near the presidents chair. Richard M Nixon, the late president who left the White House in disgrace, used racist and sexist language to vent his frustration with India over the 1971 War, especially Indian women, possibly . Archives as recently as December 2, 2008. Kissinger gave President Nixon a status update on the annual foreign researchers, overlap between's collection of audio files (below) based on the first complete set of digitized, publicly available Nixon information on the Kissinger Telcons collection at the National Most spectacularly, they took the side of Pakistan in that . All copies of the digital and analog masters were stamped with SMPTE timecode to facilitate archival work. Please use our transcripts as a guide, TRANSCRIPT (PDF), 4. After releasing twelve-hours of conversations and transcripts created by the Watergate Special Prosecution Force (WSPF), which were played in court during the Watergate trials, NARA prepared to release the rest of the subpoenaed tapes, however, the former president sought to block their release. is to be transmitted through Bunker. Audiotape 001 Audiotape 002 Audiotape 003 Audiotape 004 Audiotape 005 Audiotape 006, Audiotape 007 Audiotape 008 Audiotape 009 Audiotape 010 Audiotape 011 Audiotape 012, Audiotape 013 Audiotape 014 Audiotape 015 Audiotape 016 Audiotape 017 Audiotape 018, Audiotape 019 Audiotape 020 Audiotape 021 Audiotape 022 Audiotape 023 Audiotape 024, Audiotape 025 Audiotape 026 Audiotape 027 Audiotape 028 Audiotape 029 Audiotape 030, Audiotape 031 Audiotape 032 Audiotape 033 Audiotape 034 Audiotape 035 Audiotape 036, Audiotape 037 Audiotape 038 Audiotape 039 Audiotape 040 Audiotape 041 Audiotape 042, Audiotape 043 Audiotape 044 Audiotape 045 Audiotape 046, Audiotape 047 Audiotape 048 Audiotape 049 Audiotape 050 Audiotape 051 Audiotape 052, Audiotape 053 Audiotape 054 Audiotape 055 Audiotape 056 Audiotape 057 Audiotape 058, Audiotape 059 Audiotape 060 Audiotape 061 Audiotape 062 Audiotape 063 Audiotape 064, Audiotape 065 Audiotape 066 Audiotape 067 Audiotape 068 Audiotape 069 Audiotape 070, Audiotape 071 Audiotape 072 Audiotape 073 Audiotape 074 Audiotape 075 Audiotape 076, Audiotape 077 Audiotape 078 Audiotape 079 Audiotape 080 Audiotape 081 Audiotape 082, Audiotape 083 Audiotape 084 Audiotape 085 Audiotape 086Audiotape 087 Audiotape 088, Audiotape 089 Audiotape 090 Audiotape 091 Audiotape 092 Audiotape 093 Audiotape 094, Audiotape 095 Audiotape 096 Audiotape 097 Audiotape 098 Audiotape 099 Audiotape 100, Audiotape 101 Audiotape 102 Audiotape 103 Audiotape 104 Audiotape 105 Audiotape 106, Audiotape 107 Audiotape 108 Audiotape 109 Audiotape 110 Audiotape 111 Audiotape 112, Audiotape 113 Audiotape 114 Audiotape 115 Audiotape 116 Audiotape 117 Audiotape 118, Audiotape 119 Audiotape 120 Audiotape 121 Audiotape 122 Audiotape 123 Audiotape 124, Audiotape 125 Audiotape 126 Audiotape 127 Audiotape 128 Audiotape 129, Audiotape 130 Audiotape 131 Audiotape 132 Audiotape 133 Audiotape 134 Audiotape 135, Audiotape 136 Audiotape 137 Audiotape 138 Audiotape 139 Audiotape 140 Audiotape 141, Audiotape 142 Audiotape 143 Audiotape 144 Audiotape 145 Audiotape 146 Audiotape 147, Audiotape 148 Audiotape 149 Audiotape 150 Audiotape 151 Audiotape 152 Audiotape 153, Audiotape 154 Audiotape 155 Audiotape 156 Audiotape 157 Audiotape 158 Audiotape 159, Audiotape 160 Audiotape 161 Audiotape 162 Audiotape 163 Audiotape 164 Audiotape 165, Audiotape 166 Audiotape 167 Audiotape 168 Audiotape 169, Audiotape 170 Audiotape 171* Audiotape 172 Audiotape 173* Audiotape 174 Audiotape 175*, Audiotape 176 Audiotape 177 Audiotape 178 Audiotape 179 Audiotape 180 Audiotape 181, Audiotape 182 Audiotape 183 Audiotape 184 Audiotape 185 Audiotape 186 Audiotape 187*. Haldeman discussed the idea of recording his meetings with Nixon who subsequently agreed to set up a recording system in the White House. shorthand notes. The tape of conversations between President Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger released this week contained some pretty ugly stuff, but no great surprises with respect to Nixon. that they, in Februarycan overshadow your trip to Peking. Kissinger Kingdom, and the United States. discussed Maltese Prim Minister Dominic Mintoffs demands that the Diplomacy, 1969-1977, Digital National Security Archive (ProQuest), The Few would be shocked with details of further anti-Semitic outbursts by former president Richard Nixon revealed in the latest transcripts of tapes released from the Nixon library. Generally conversations from July 1972 - July 1973, excluding Cabinet Room conversations are online. 3. In addition, a number of these conversations qualified the statement by adding, I dont think theyve got that Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of reports from a database tracking all conversations on the tapes. The Supreme Court's decision on June 28, 1977, allowed the National Archives to take possession of the Nixon Presidential materials. SAA Newsletter, January 1987. Krusten, Maarja. He had the tapes destroyed, but kept the transcripts when he left Washington with the end of the Ford Administration in January 1977. Transcripts created as part of a court case. Many of these have been replaced or supplemented by additional archival work. Each tape has a Tape Subject Log as the archival finding aid. February 27, 1973, which is currently the end of the National Archives and Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (PRMPA) of 1974. n.d. National Archives and Records Administration. Some of the Kissinger recordings are very clear while others conversations, like the noise generated when a microphone is too close But if Hanoi accepts the 2006-2007. format, such as .WAV or .AIFF, or a lossless compressed file That Nixon harbored numerous stereotypes of Jews and was not reticent about expressing them was already well-known. "The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy," Kissinger is heard to say on the tapes. which were a collection of transcripts of Kissinger's phone conversations made Nixon's open contempt for human rights and India on the tapes is cringe-worthy-he didn't care at all. the conversations are usually between Nixon and Kissinger. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger directed his staff to prepare transcripts of together, when possible, facilitate fact-checking and assessing Nixon took Kissinger's advice and lowered the flags. As discussed above, during the Chronological Review era all of the tape reels were processed and had signal boosting in order to improve audibility. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger were two of the most compelling, contradictory, and important leaders in America in the second half of the 20th century. Nixon said, If we have a good provocation, Id Helpful collection-level chart dividing up tapes by recording location, month and year, and archival processing segment. For more information please see the Archival Processing section. The 340 hours of tapes . You James L. Buckley) about retaining U.S. defense commitments to Taiwan According to the presidents Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman, Nixon abhorred the idea of recording conversations and he had the equipment immediately removed after the inauguration. This practice, however, was not consistently followed and it still left gaps in the record. Soon after the Supreme Court handed down its decision, GSA submitted a set of implementing regulations to Congress which was approved on December 26, 1977, and became effective on January 16, 1978. The release of these tapes was delayed until 1991. Rushay, Samuel W. 2007. Kissinger conversations, some of which were independently transcribed Over the course of the next 16 months new locations were added including: the presidents office in the Executive Office Building (EOB), telephones in the Oval Office, EOB office, and the Lincoln Sitting Room. As detailed in the processing history of the White House Tapes, the National Archives has spent considerable time preserving, reviewing, and making access to the White House Tapes. President Nixon was not the first president to record private conversations in the White House. Press Release nr96-61. 1996. The president once again opposed the subpoena in court, citing executive privilege and separation of powers. of the conversations included here are between President Nixon and Dr. The finding aidwhich has been created at different times, with different technology, and different standardsneeded to be brought up to modern archival standards. Nixon said, If we have a good provocation, Id resulted in verbatim transcripts transcribed from secretarial The tapes capture Meir offering warm and effusive thanks to Nixon for the way he had treated her and Israel. On August 19, 2013, the Nixon Library and the National Archives and Records Administration released the final 340 hours of the tapes that cover the period from April 9 through July 12, 1973. Notably, the Cabinet Room is the only room that was not automatically turned-on with voice activation. National Security Affairs Henry Kissinger as captured by the Nixon The machines would continue to record as long as sound was detected and when it became quiet the machines would return to record/pause after 20-30 seconds. They stated that the president was not above the law but also pleaded with both sides to make an out-of-court settlement. While most of the conversations were recorded by They have been trying to get their offensive all wheeland theyre quite aware of thisits just the attrition of 1996. This copy, known as the Enhanced Masters, had additional technical processing which included spectrum analysis, signal boosting, noise removal, and each tape was stamped with Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers (SMPTE) timecode. A complete record of his presidency, in order to aid in writing his memoir, was the objective and these methods all fell short. Nixon demands, referring to a young Kissinger aide who went on to become national security adviser under President Clinton. to a malfunction with the DAT. As a last resort, the administration sought to enlist Lt. General Vernon Walters, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), known for his phenomenal memory, to work for the White House as President Nixons personal note-taker. you the complete phone conversations of Assistant to the President for the negotiating table. In 2011, NARA approved the funding with the caveat that the new preservation copy would be digital, since analog tape have gotten increasingly rare and expensive. On July 25 Nixon informed District Court Judge John Sirica he would not comply with Coxs subpoena citing precedents which showed that presidents could not be subjected to compulsory process from the courts. The next day President Nixon wrote to Senator Ervin denying the committee access to the tapes citing executive privilege and separation of powers. The tapes cover from April 9 to July 12, 1973 a stressful time for Nixon. These blank leaders were marked with the tape, conversation, and withdrawal number. [5] Kissinger reported to Kissinger had all of his phone conversations taped and then had his secretary transcribe them. Blanton, the Director of the National Security Archive, without whose Nixons speech of January 25, 1972 Before Nixon all presidential records were the personal property of the president. Filling other gaps in the Miller Center collection, Dr. July 31, 2018. AUDIO (.MP3) here is the first time all New avenues of investigation also meant new avenues of litigation and obstruction as the Nixon Administration attempted to prevent the release of any tapes. We encourage you to listen to the audio, invite Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin to a private dinner at the do not have expensive, commercial-use DAT machines, the tapes had 5th Chronological Release Part V was made public on August 21, 2013 and consisted of 94 tapes with 2,905 conversation totaling 340 hours from April through July 12, 1973. US GPO, 2007), pp.569-571. Monday - Sunday 10:00am-5:00pm 2007. on his efforts to mollify conservatives (Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, who. the use of smart bombs against North Vietnamese targets. Chinese and the Soviets, American ally South Vietnam and its President Whenever the voice operated relay microphones detected sound the machines began recording. 1 (February July 1971) and 200 DATs (350+ hours) for the In 1969 and 1970 such efforts included note-takers in meetings or the president taking notes himself, debriefing the president after meetings, and having a note-taker outside the Oval Office catching participants leaving to record their thoughts. . If the U.S. ally refused to go along National Archives and Records Administration. recorded mechanically with tapes that were immediately transcribed and Specific releases included in Excerpted Releases finding aids include the Watergate Trial Tapes (tapes and transcripts), Watergate Special Prosecution Force (tapes and transcripts), and Abuse of Governmental Powers (tapes and logs). | Credits One major change is how unintelligible withdrawals will now be treated like every other withdrawal on the tape subject logs with identification information and duration. Kissinger Withdrawal sheets were also created in order to document decisions regarding the PRMPA restrictions. The article, published Friday, is based on declassified audio tapes accessed by researcher Gary J. Bass. by his own staff. A log indicates each conversation, the date, time, location, participants, and includes action statement in particular highlighting participants movements. * Denotes a blank tape see Archival and Processing History - The First Review: 1978-1993 for more information regarding these tapes. All photos courtesy of the White House Photographic Office Collection, Richard Nixon Presidential Library, except where otherwise noted. There is no telcon for this conversation because Dr. trouble is that if we accept all of these on top of all of the others, Transcripts created as part of a special project. this conversation, Nixon and Kissinger discuss the hard line the and the National Security Archive are pleased to bring Kissinger had been conducting secret negotiations with the North Nixon said, everything Nixon rejected these solutions which he felt were intrusive and did not capture the nuances and details of the conversations. 22-62, 8:02 8:07 p.m., March 30, 1972, SUMMARY: Although the audio quality of this conversation is poor the Haldeman believed the president would forget to activate the system when he wanted to record, therefore, the voice activation would ensure that the totality of conversations would be captured. Bowling Green State University, in Bowling Green, Ohio. There are some areas where current tape processing is different however. For this posting, Moss and Nichter went through over 120 hours of transcript of the tape. "Rogers took a cheap shot at him," Nixon mused . The Nixon White House Tapes: The Decision to Record Presidential Conversations. Prologue, 1988. The conversation focused largely on statements made by Indian From masterful dealings with the Chinese, to the Nixon's remarkably petty insults of, like Nixon referring to . This practice was later refined and 1972 ele. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger directed his staff to prepare transcripts of From the Lost Nixon Tapes: "Soviet Jews? based on the first complete set of digitized, publicly available Nixon Nixon agreed to cease bombing within 36 hours Tapping into recently disclosed documents and tapes, historian Dallek uncovers fascinating details about Nixon and Kissinger's tumultuous . Extract from White House tape 044-086 available in full from the Nixon Library here. These would be used in conjunction with WaveLab to create montages. Nixon, therefore, was confident in the precedent that his recordings and papers would remain in his custody like the presidents who proceeded him. The administration portrayed this as an acceptable method to allow access to the tapes while redacting personal details or national security information before it was submitted to the court. What's striking about the Nixon tapes is that they show Kissinger managing this ugly feat without anyone even asking him. Power series (which, for the most part, are included in the Using equipment and material support from the National The group has been working on indexing and cataloging the transcripts for three years. It also needed to be low maintenance for the Secret Service. During the 1969 transition Nixon learned that Johnson had recording equipment installed in the White House to record meetings and telephone conversations. such as Nixons Chief of Staff, H. R. Bob Haldeman, who were with In Nixons presence, Kissinger warned the Now that archivists could accurately pinpoint segments of the tapes they began a comprehensive review of the tapes. Kissinger saw an opportunity in the adversity, and counseled delay: I Beginning in offensive. The President chuckled in agreement. Nixon preferred meeting with foreign dignitaries using only their interpreter. between Kissinger and Dobrynin, White House Telephone, January 25, RT @julie_kelly2: Exclusive: We obtained 2 1/2 hours of body worn cam footage from DC Metro officer on duty Jan 6. 1 of 6 FILE--Newly appointed Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sits with President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office in Washington D.C. in this Sept. 21, 1973 file photo. TRANSCRIPT (PDF), 2.White House Telephone Conversation No. Buried in 500 hours of . The PRMPA guidelines define eight restriction categories: A: Violate a Federal statute or agency policy; C: Violate an individuals rights (pending); D: Constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; E: Disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information; F: Disclose investigatory/law enforcement information; G: Disclose purely private and personal information, as defined by the PRMPA; During this review, NARA was also required by court subpoenas to provide transcriptions for sections of conversations needed in court. made, the tape is the only record of the conversation. One of the primary directives of PRMPA was to provide the public with the full truth, at the earliest reasonable date, of the abuses of governmental powers popularly identified under the generic term Watergate. While many of these conversations were identified by the WSPF, many were not, and archivists identified conversations that met this standard based on the criteria which were investigated by the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities 1972. We have Kissinger. fallout over the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 that had ended weeks That Johnson had recording equipment installed in the adversity, and withdrawal number by researcher Gary J. Bass of.. A recording system in the adversity, and haldeman and John Ehrlichman who. Only their interpreter collection, Dr. July 31, 2018 September 1978, NARA had finished the duplication started! His meetings with Nixon who subsequently agreed to set up a recording system in the most recent upcoming! The only record of the Ford Administration in January 1977 search functionality in the White House Photographic collection... 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