All of them are flat/2D nothing 3D so far. Do I try to take in the entire peripheral vision all at once (like Id do if Im playing sports), or just casually look at various elements of the candle/flame a bit like a pinball? Think of redrawing the shape with that imaginary pencil.Try holding out your finger and slowly draw the shape into the air in front of you (with eyes closed).This is critical now; If you dont see anything, explain to yourself in your mind like, I see the top edge of the triangle. I aim for 30-40 sec, and then close my eyes while looking slightly upwards. Am on my second day of trying these excersizes the first day i could see absolutely nothing today i can see the shapes contained in a small rectangle in the centre of my closed eyes but very small sized. Even if you initially see nothing, internally describe details. After youve overcome the initial phase of seeing nothing, try focusing more on details when you observe an object (before visualizing it). Marko just discovered something and thought I would share it with you. Thank you for sharing your experience. Guided visulizations are fantastic to get into deep relaxation and to access your imagination. So, yes, if youd need to practice rotation if your skills is still weak. If youve read his book, you know he asks you to imagine your goals in your mind as clearly as possible. I kept listening over and over again to one audio that resonated with me most (the Sanctuary and actually one of Middle Earth Meditations) and suddenly I could see parts of the guided environment very clearly. Id say, sensing is part of visualization. Mark, thanks a ton for your article! Some black and white images seem to work for me, though not the whole image. You should dedicate some weeks or even months to regular practice before complaining that it doesnt work ;). And, if you allow me so, Id like to garner your reports and put them together into a dedicated success post. That way, your sessions wont get interrupted by annoying ads. Some people can only see specific colors. Test both variations frequently. Really frustrating.. The same can happen with our mental eyes. I am curious, has this worked for anyone so far besides Brandon and you? Unwrinkle your brow. Contrary to your belief, aphantasia is a real thing. Very, very strange feeling like you actually see through your hands. Ive discovered this while doing some research on minds eye training and aphantasia. Same with the quadrants. Have you every heard of anything like that before? If you get very bright afterimages, please try reducing the time you spend observing the object (or photo). Everyone Ive ever met with aphantasia has had a greatly above average ability to learn and memorize information. The more the better. I want to share my experience here. I have to see it in my mind, there is no other way. I struggle because I want to be a writer, and have natural talent, but I do not enjoy reading because I do not imagine it, and describing things visually is difficult. Well, you get the idea. How did you improve? To not quit yet. The color of these shapes is a little bit greenish but mostly white/light. I have yet to hear from anyone whose mental imagery turned on all of a sudden after doing exercises like this, other than Marko apparently. Redesign Ability Take the images you already got and merge, rearrange, redesign them to your liking. This I do, when I have trouble getting a clear image of, for example, of a blue rectangle. I was able to (re-)visit familiar scenes or recall familiar objects but these images were missing the small details. Hi Marko, thank you for the effort you put in to compile all of this information together. I would love to connect with you and share my results. Note the differences. Close your eyes and once again imagine the call, the corrected version this time. Some people here already told me they had the same negative color issue like you have. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing severe distractions while trying to visualize I try to picture myself a certain way, and within a few seconds I find myself thinking about something completely different. For example, when you try to morph a square into a circle, it turns into a hexagon instead. In a deep relaxation, I have many flashes are not static images, always short clips/movies (0.5 2 seconds). Now, the one thing that is true and Ill repeat it, was that one time I feel semi-asleep on my pressure mat and ACTUALLY SAW A STREAM OF IMAGES in high speed. One week later (first 7 days of training): Check drawer and cupboard depths for adequate storage to put things away, as well as strength and support for heavy books and files. :) Alternatively, you could book some adventure activities such as a helicopter tour or glass-bottom boat trip. By practicing again, again and again or are there any special methods on internalization ? I cant bend it. Heres a short list what you can do with the power of visualization: In a nutshell, you can apply visualization all areas of your life. Only about 10% can really see images like a movie; for others, it is often more like thoughts. Stop touching your eyes and begin describing what you see (out loud). Hope its improved since you commented. The more information you can feed to him, the better hell be able to paint the candle.By doing this you strengthen recall ability and you signal to your mind that you want to focus on these specifics. About the meditation I see flashes everyday (short clips up to 2s). But in terms of remember auditory details, im really bad, i struggle to remember the conversations i had (i can remember what we talked about in summary, but i almost never can remember the exact words of the conversation). You could exercise with some simple objects or, what I love to do, go to Flickr and experiment with some of the many breathtakingly beautiful photos there. Then close your eyes and repeat the visualization attempt. I could only see like a fire colour and it seems to me that its the imprint of the image on my retina, and not my mind doing it. I will try again. With The Honest Guys, did you just listen to the audio or watch the accompanying video as well? If you already can visualize with open eyes, then go ahead and keep practicing with open eyes. Gotta keep at it, sight is the only sense Im completely missing in my mind. I also was able visualize a teacup on command recently (it even had a floral pattern!) Mine is extremely bad. 6/22/19 Progress report: Progress has been mixed. Its like as though youd need to draw an object from memory. It sounds like everyone with full aphantasia (who literally see nothing in their minds eye) feels like theyre (literally) floundering in the dark at first, but in the couple of accounts Ive read (including the one above) they start to see vague shapes or colours for a little longer after a few days or weeks. Sorry for this long comment, I know youre not my confessor. After 2 months and 3 days i still have visualisation skill like at the begin. Are the only shapes distinguishable after a full month of training. On the other hand, you seem to be doing very well already. How frequently do people report doing these things? says Hettie Roebuck, a postdoctoral researcher in Lupyans lab and Persist and dont allow yourself to get discouraged. Its all about, like you already do, coming from your mind. This is the 3rd day and was terrible (~8 hours of training). Thank you. You can do this with closed eyes and with open eyes. Every says when they imagine things, they can "see" them in So Marko any suggestions on how to practice mental rotation. 3. Wait. Take a lighter or a box of matches. Repeat the process, collecting more details and close your eyes again. Thank you for your website. :) Candle on night When the after-image is gone, a greenish spot remains (again, vague). Its heartwarming for me to read that you and others prove it to themselves that, in fact, yes, you can cure aphantasia. For me it helps if I suggest to myself the color I want to see. Ive tried the candle exercise for the first time tonight (Im leery of looking at a candle as it can burn your retina if you do it too long). Its most effective in the moments you wake and the moments just before you go to sleep. I thought I was falling asleep, but Im not so sure if thats the case or if I just have very little control of my visualization/mind. Close your eyes and imagine the desired outcome. How long have you been dong this and how much time did you invest per day? So, every night, just before bed, I open up that folder and I go through some of these images. The Three Levels of Visualization. However, after all these years, I am still here, incapable of see anything whatsoever. Can you "see"/visualize things in your head? Now in order to develop mental rotation skills using the glass scenario would I then physically turn the mug around so the handle was on the left side when you looked at it straight on and then try to pay attention to details of how the mug looked, before it was rotation and after it was rotating and then do the close eye and open eye exercise. Ill admit, nearly everything in Pisa is a monumental visual and aesthetic pleasure emphasis on monumental. Just for reference: I never did #1, didnt suit me. E.g., when you visualize a dice, trace its contours continuously keeping your focus in motion. At #3 and #4 excercises i have troubles too: I can see single parts of the images when i close my eyes, but they are blurry and i cant hold them more than a fraction of seconds. Yet, I dont give my images a location. As I mentioned in one of my posts above, I had been seeing images in my minds eye for weeks now, but often the colors were inverted. I think, if you plan to benefit from visualization for the rest of your life, it sure is worth practicing a few minutes every day. I can do it while asleep, so I know my brain can do it. Yes, thats right. So Ive decided to dedicate a bit of my time every day to form this ability despite having absolutely no disposition for it, as only the most tenacious plant will grow even when planted in concrete. Say, for instance, a car you see on the street: look at it for a second or two, close your eyes (also try with open eyes) and try keeping the image. Be very specific. Observe, close your eyes and try to keep the object or scene in your minds eye. Very frustrating. Keep it easy. I understand your frustration. I have never been able to picture the books I read, and have always wanted to. Thanks. Another method you can use, which has been introduced as Image Streaming, can also help you a great deal with ability to observe details. One bit of encouragement was a beautiful lucid dream last week. It just didnt sit right with me how seemingly SO much of the population had this massive incurable deficit and that people didnt start really talking about it until a year ago. Experiment, Experiment, Experiment Stare at an object. This is my second day. Anyway, yeah, I just wanted to know if doing the afterimage exercises led to being able to create mental images at will? At no time would anyone have described the negotiations as between me and the department head's boss. But at least 15min. Its not right to advise people to keep spending time when there is no evidence that you can go from off to on, again, not vague to crisp. What direction do you turn next after making a left turn into a different lane. People that cant picture things in your mind clearly, do you also suffer from poor memory. Most important: stay active and keep playing around with your visual memory whenever youve got an idle second. What do you thimk about it? There are no set rules when it comes to meditating. This exercise will help you to picture colors. Youll know youre improving if you can perceive the smallest improvements in: So fuc***g unfair matter with my stone brain, visualisation is the best skill that you can have, this skill by image streaming technique can absolutely change your IQ and life. There seems to be talk of the afterimage eventually transitioning into a mental image. Daniele. Or, just last week, before drawing some images (for a video presentation) I switched into mind-mode and visualized how Id draw a heart or a glass of sparkling wine. Other people, who dont even have this sensation of sensing things, might rely more on visually seeing seeing scenes like dream scapes, movie scenes, or photos in their mind. Most people would have given up already. Surprisingly, I could see half the triangle (the area where I was focused on). Having to visualize everything to learn and solve problems just slows you down anyway. He was known for having extraordinary visualization powers. In the Remembering Your Dreams course, Dr. Metivier talks about writing your goals/desires down in a journal every day so Ive started that. I also purchased the $14 self hypnosis from the link same effect but feels like Im falling asleep (Im not very present in the moment is more like a trance, at some point I dont hear the voice anymore). If you seriously want to improve this ability, write it down. Hello Marko i used to try those exercises for like a month but uncostantly and then i stopped because of boredom.. Sometimes I try to go for 30-40 sec and make a blinking motion (like snapshot) every 3 sec. You do see an after image when doing the candle exercise? Also, 3-5 minutes of breathing practice greatly improve visualization results energizing your body and calming your mind. My visuals are just as vague and distant as when I started. Omg i wrote that long comment inside message, this is the proof of my brain degeneration by hashimoto xddddd If you start keeping a dream journal you will begin to remember more dreams (up to 5-7 per night) every single morning. So apparently I cant see any mental images like I thought. Perhaps, every night, when you go to bed, rehearse your daily wins by reviving them in your mind adding the successfeeling to it. Vital key is you keep practicing on a frequent basis. I just want to thank you for the encouraging words of motivation. I just stumbled on your forum. Often times it shakes, flickers and transforms, it is frustrating difficult to keep it steady. I guess I wouldnt know if mental rotation is strong or weak until I start seeing static images and see if they rotate automatically but once I can develop the ability to see static images I am wondering if you would recommend the same principles for rotation as you recommend for simply seeing the static image. As in, can I go from only ever seeing afterimages to being able to conjure up images at will? You can start practicing this right away but youll have to slow down a lot (in the beginning). Just do some rhythmic breathing, or still better, 1:4:2 breathing exercise. Looking out of a bus window and closing my eyes, trying to hold on to what I was just looking at, has been fun and helpful. Watch Mike Cammalleri, Ice-Hockey pro, visualizing with open eyes here. Just like going to the gym, itll take considerable time and dedication to build a strong physique. This exercise will help you imagine details of your images. Thanks for putting up this post. Marko, I dont know how to thank you. clarity of shape and color, vividness Sit or lie down, deeply relax (use your preferred method), close your eyes. The afterimages are, of course, not the goal of the the exercise. I am really close to solution why whole life my brain just didnt work and develope. Practically, before you practice visualizing, say, a glass, carefully observe all its aspects. This was a man who had used this muscle in excess of 60 years, yet no longer can do it no matter how hard he tries. Sense, Touch, and Feel [2] X R Try to not laugh! Visualization is just a tool. Support from other teachers and school staff makes a world of difference. Youll be able to recall the colors with some practice. Observe the spot for 10-15 seconds, then close your eyes and try to hold the mental image of it for about 2-3 seconds, then open your eyes and repeat. I feel that this is going somewhere, no doubt in my mind. Anyways, Ill keep plugging away and hopefully make some real progress. Thanks for responding, I plan to dedicate some time to each exercise and will be sure to report back if I have any progress. Hi Marko, thanks for the exercises. Families can also look forward to the East Villas, double-storey villas facing the Bedok Reservoir and great for your next family gathering, staycation and getaway! A book cover will do or you can use the images below. Got discouraged when reading about this subject and peoples experience. It seems that 50Hz (60Hz) powerline flickering overloads visual processing core in the brain, somehow locking them into their objective mind and preventing the subconscious from opening. In the beginning I also thought that I was somehow defective and could not visualize :) But persistent work and discipline paid off eventually :). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. This made me think that I have the ability to memorize and create images in my mind, but I dont know how to see them clearly while I am awake. It just takes practice. Find a quiet place to sit and clear your mind for a few minutes. Then just picture what it is you want to see. Keep it ther It seems to be a rare case to lose your ability to visualize completely. Took me 3 days for a total of 2 hours but I finally got my first after image for a split second of a bluish-blackish square, so thats what visualizing is, I had it all wrong, it is in fact image-y! I will definitely try your guide in hopes that will help me overcome my blackness! I started the exercise with the candle today, but I had no succcess. This is all without even closing my eyes. I started practising yesterday AND I SAW A RED DOT AND I SAW PUPRLE. Of course, is all black but feels like there are some slightly darker shadows in my mind (shadows of objects in the room). In the very beginning, when I couldnt see anything at all, I mostly did the candle exercise because of the strong after image you get from looking at the flame. Awesome. The more the better if you dont tense up and strain your eyes and your fascial muscles. What did you miss, what are the differences? Perhaps you pick your favorite book, one youve read already. Ill give other images a try. Im not to hung up over that but it has been demotivating. I imagine things all the time. And as someone who is trying to be an artist, this was extremely discouraging. This one completely suprised me and I wasnt focusing on the color. But, I do not see the colours. Dont blame yourself if the image is vague and unstable, any result will do. I plan on starting the exercises today and staying consistent for at least 30 days. Youre an amazing person. Playfulness While awake I can think only in words and concepts. What about the street sign you are watching for to turn at I plan on trying out the techniques you listed for a couple of months, I have a question and would like to hear if you think this could help my visualization process. Whats your greatest challenge with visualization? Think about it for a moment: How important is it to you to acquire this skill? Is still blurry and I have no idea what exactly is. And I dont believe in aphantasia or,lets say, I think its rather comparable to an atrophied muscle that merely needs workout. Was the very concept of visualizing completely foreign to you? I still listen to Improve Visualization from Hypnosis Download when I commute but I guess I need to try and put more overall effort into this whole thing. Click on this link here: Btw., (and you havent heard this from me!) Heres one of my favortie videos. Im happy to hear that you kept at it and that youre making progress. I will post again in a week. Etc. Just the other night I was semi-sleeping (after using a pressure mat) and my mind felt like a sketchbook in high-speed (similar to the MARVEL movies intros). And then secondly there are the perfect clarity, full color, detail-better-than-real-life visualizations. Finally, Id like to note some of my experiences are quite similar to Dorins. One practices to get better at something, for example, if your mental imagery is weak. If you like to find out more, keep reading, First, let me give you a quick intro about my story. Even if I imagine painting on a canvas well, I see the canvas, but I dont visually place it in front of me. Think about it as taking a snapshot. Ive been focused on improving what I see on the back of the eyelids, but am starting to suspect thats not really what people mean by visualization. To see my thoughts as only thoughts, cultivate awareness of the thinker: I. Who or what thoughts (mental objects) appear to, am I (subject). Cultiv Week #2 Calmly observe this area. When I play I try capture the details and the position of each single image. I couldnt do that at all in the beginning which was why I dropped it in favour of other exercises. Ill be in touch! Thank you again MArko. I had to try it! What kind of conversations did you have? Sometimes i think ill never get stronger basic visualisation skill. Do you think I should just give up? So I decided to read up on the topic and found this forum. The afterimage is always in reversed and simplified colors(somewhat like Negative in photography). If you were able to have those skills before you started seeing mental images how did you know you had them. But I have question WebDescribe any shades of black you see it isnt all black when you close your eyes: if theres a window to your left, the left side of your eyelids will be a kinda reddy-brown color. Try to see the screen lighting up, your home number appearing on it (or whatever name is associated with it), feel it vibrating in your hand, hear the ringtone. During the day I practice after image wherever I can on different objects. I havent used this skill on a daily basis. I hope youll get better, im really curious to know your improvements. The simple phrase of awh cant help but escape your lips when you see big brown eyes and a delicate button nose. I like to imagine a canvas (white, back, blue, ..) because somehow it helps to have the canvas texture to paint on. 2:describe the image you want to see, with details, including senses, if the image gets blurred or almost fading, keep You could think about the shapes, the colors, the proportion, and you could also imagine holding the object, feeling its contours. Somewhere on that spectrum is "I can see a vague image". I can visualize in my head. You could do this anytime during your day. You can push this really far and spend a lot of time on this. If you havent mastered simpler objects then this is probably the root of the problem. In other words once I conscioulsy made a decision to think about that image it didnt exist in my minds eye anymore. Then, someone in the comments asked me about it, . Thats the major problem Im facing now. I havent seen many video clips recently, and Ive only had two lucid dreams in the last two months. You can delve into old memories and over time rediscover lost details or you can use the mechanism of your mind to go into the future (using the principles of Psycho Cybernetics): Rehearsing a future scenario (like a meeting with yours boss, a lovely evening with your loved ones, the ideal golf shot, etc.) They spend a great deal of time visualizing every day routinely, automatically honing this asset. Its comparable to a muscle, that when strained, needs some time to recover and grow. Breath life into your goals by adding all the details youd want to see. duration, focus on details (zoom in and out, change color & shape), rotate objects, transform them, etc. Once you received an impression through your eyes, you basically recall or recreate the initial impression. I went out to drive for 30 minutes around my city. Also, I go 5 days a week to the gym so I know how slowly muscles are built. Nonetheless, I think youre making a great suggestion and Ill update this article asking people to leave specific feedback on their progress so that Ill be able to compound it to a dedicated post. I havent yet had success at creating an image of my choosing (even a very simple one). Thank you so much for your valuable input here! So when i try to think about these experiences i miss a lot of important details, and i have trouble to translate them in words. Thank you for all your help and kind words. Of course you can choose some relaxing meditation music to boost your level of relaxation while doing the other exercises. I read the books about visualisation I read and listened to everything I could find on the subject. While the purpose (and money that went along with it) was for something else, I had hoped to get something out of it that would boost my visualization. This has always been a massive mystery to me. Time to develop my brain to its full potential! Despite all this, Ive made no real progress in the last 4 months or so. In fact, the easiest way to practice with these videos is to download the audios and listen to them on your phone or MP3 player. I guess the contrast helps. But using the inner voice to describe details can definitely help to gain more clarity and to stabilize the image. Like, I see a white blurry circle not it fades into red and it kind of looks like a flower Be as detailed as possible and keep talking out loud. Now that youre receiving an after-image (even though its unstable) you can get a feel for visualization. You can make it a practice to recall conversations. For semi-advanced practice, I like to lay down and listen to audio books and imagine as many details as possible. Id like to know how long it took them and which exercises worked best for them. In the past Ive seen things and heard things in lucid dreams, but this is the first time I was aware of feeling the texture of something in a dream. Just want to say that I was one of those who had absolutely ZERO ability to visualize. Now, my results: For example, the very first image in Exercise #2 is a red ball on a black/gray background. Sad to say that my progress has stagnated, Imagine youd need to describe (from memory) the flame to an artist. What does the environment look like? It messes up the flow when I practice. . When visualizing you actually dont use your eyes at all so you dont receive information from the receptors in your eyes. Or image should be somewhere in your head and you should avoid concentration on your kinda eye area? Marko, I have done these exercises in the past. The thing is, you will get better really quickly, and, youll be amazed how quickly you develop your memory-biceps. Please check out the article as Ive added an extra exercise. For about a week now I been watching this subliminal visualization video on YouTube The more effort you put into it the better youll get. At some point I asked myself: is this imagination or am I halucinating? Here, I'm rambling about life, reading, self-improvement, digital nomadism and anything else that I'm passionate about. So thank you for being one of the few beacons of optimism in this sea of self-defeatism. What do you think? Let your heart-rate and breathing slow down, and your blood pressure decrease. If its easy for you to hold the image, increase the time by 2-3 seconds, if not, just one second will do. So, with persistent training you will be able to keep the images firmly in your mind and even recall and recreate then from scratch. Amazed how quickly you develop your memory-biceps one bit of encouragement was beautiful... As someone who is trying to be doing very well already belief aphantasia! Guys, did you invest per day exercise with the candle exercise you practice visualizing say. Mental objects ) appear to, am I ( subject ) a floral pattern! color of shapes... 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