BUT. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs their life savings and soon it will be their homes. In it youll discover how Walton learned lessons in business succession planning and resolved to use the simple planning concept for their own family and you can too to shield their wealth from thieving bureaucratic fingers and greedy government tax-andspenders. This socialistic expansion of government will inevitably lead to a devaluation of the U.S. dollar (hyperinflation) that could wipe out your life savings. The number of complex legal, regulatory, medical and retiree-unfriendly tax traps has mushroomed to the point that ignorance is downright dangerous. "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. Your wise suggestions on keeping healthy, appeal very much to me since I have been able to survive 85 years with a minimum of hospital care and I do believe that is noteworthy in this day and age. Bob Livingston is a guest columnist in today's edition of LIBERTY DIGEST. This often leads to some confusion and sometimes something akin to hurt feelings among the new readers when they see things they would not expect to see at mainstream Republican sites. BUT. If you want to be rich, you need to know how they think. This is essential knowledge to plan for your family and shows you how to keep the governments hands off your familys wealth for future generations. We do not have, by any definition healthcare in the United States even pre-Obamacare. Plainly stated, an elite group rules no matter which political party appears to be in power. ). (Industrial armies accomplished through regulations favoring/subsidizing unions. America is nearer a communistic than a republican in form of government. ), Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Even the normally bullish, pro-Wall Street editorial page of The Wall Street Journal conceded, Fasten your seat belts and get ready for more Politicians with few exceptions worship the state and consider the state as the only cure for all ills imagined and real. But I also promised one more Special Report. Its not unusual for these new readers who have no background in the Personal Liberty philosophy to take umbrage with one or more thoughts presented in our columns. Keep financial information secure and private! Bob Livingston on the coming economic collapse. (The latter group has even more to lose through inaction.). The Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual is the ultimate protocol and guide and a reference you can use for preserving your wealth for life. Thats $198.85 in FREE Gifts and Savings! While there are conservatives and liberals (some use the term right wing and left wing ideologies) among the masses, this paradigm does not exist among the elected and bureaucratic class. Real estate is soaring. Why? H.R.870 106th Congress (1999-2000) To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to change the determination of the 50,000-barrel refinery limitation on oil depletion deduction from a daily basis to an annual average daily basis. ", "I have subscribed to your newsletter for a few years and I find it to be a very informative letter in many ways. Three steps you must take right away to prepare for a possible banking collapse. He has toured without stop for 47 years, and is one of the most ex Bob believes that the credibility of the medical establishment is eroding quickly and will soon collapse. In all things I default to God, individual liberty and small, Constitutional government in politics and governance; in that order. COWBOYS & INDIANS; STORE. YES! You wont find the Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual in stores. Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. If cash-hungry Federal bureaucrats dilute the value of IRAs and other retirement accounts, would you be affected? They only care about a political facade to hide their chicanery. Robert Linlithgow Livingston Jr. is an American lobbyist and politician who served as a U.S. Representative from Louisiana from 1977 to 1999. I believed the lies about our lives, politics and especially health needed be exposed, so I began to seek an outlet to do that. I have been speaking out against their machinations for years, and I have been labeled a kook and a conspiracy theorist for doing so. bumpy flying in the Feds cloudy skies.. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. John Adams, The Works of John Adams. To give you some idea of the scope of this problem, the government would have to extract $473,000 from each and every U.S. household to cover the rapidly approaching national balloon payment on unfunded liabilities! Thats why I hope youll. FREE SHIPPING ends soon for Bob Livingston Alerts Subscribers! Obviously, something is going to have to give. This is why I want to rush you information on how Treasury bureaucrats are forming emergency contingency plans to freeze IRA and 401(k) accounts in the event of a national financial panic similar to the banking holidays used by the Franklin Roosevelt administration to bilk millions of Americans during the Great Depression. Special Analysis: Who is killing the dollar, and how they are doing it by crumbling the Three Pillars that have protected the U.S. economy. Any challenge to this paradigm is written off as nuttery or conspiracy. Try these: Just subscribe to The Bob Livingston Letter and I will send you this manual that can save you tens of thousands of dollars and make for a worry-free ocean of surety and safety in these inflationary times ahead. I am convinced that the U.S. is now facing some of the most serious economic and political threats in its history. It's the worst-kept secret in Washington. How smart investors are quietly hedging like the pros to beat the money creators at their own game. You may opt out of Bob Livingston Alerts at anytime. 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But I also promised one more Special Report. During his final years in Congress, Livin And they want to suppress alternative asset protection and wealth building information that can make people more self-reliant like the kind in this letter. All the work and research in this book is worth the cover price of at least $89.95. The first brand-new report is called Investing Rules To Live By: Templeton, Munger, Graham, Buffett, Kennedy and the Seven Secret Principles of the Rich. In it youll discover: Investing Rules To Live By is a MUST HAVE for every reader of The Bob Livingston Letter. As the editor of The Bob Livingston Letter, I pay very close attention to recently resigned or soon-to-be-departed high-level U.S. officials (once they are out of office many are remarkably candid even as the mainstream media stop reporting their words). Well, Bob never had the surgery his doctors strongly advised more than 45years ago. The power structure quickly dispenses with a politician who has an honestly opposing morality and philosophy. Visa even went so far as to offer small businesses $10,000 to convert to cashless. They have also studied at University of Phoenix : Bruce Ragsdale - Intel Jackie Bunting - McDonald's Tereah Otero - HP Inc. Find more alumni from University of Phoenix The second brand-new report is called How to Use the Wealth-Preserving Secret of Sam Walton. How to use the little-known bypass trust an incredible tool even if you fall below the estate tax threshold of wealth and why ignorance about it can be downright dangerous. The dumb money buys on emotion? And it is especially merciless to people who assume they can live comfortably on a fixed income. The big lie technique really works, you see, because people want to buy into something BIG! They are beholden to the system. The 10 worst investing mistakes you can make that could cost you a fortune. And I truly believe my Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual could be the single most important tool youll ever discover. Your wisdom and down-to-earth common sense are like nectar to starving souls, particularly in these days of so much double speaking from every other publication, especially our own government sources. Note that in a federal government dominated by a Republican majority, the federal leviathan grows in both size and power, coupled together with New World Order. Both claims are false but are perceived as true thanks to mass deception. ", Customer Service: 1-800-319-3487 | Fax: 1-800-941-6987 |. Conservative and liberal arguments about politics and issues are used to deceive great masses of people into following after messianic leaders and their all-encompassing, collectivist social policies. TOUR. In recent times it was known as Marxism, Fabianism, the New Deal, Nazism and communism. Unsubscribe from Personal Liberty Alerts; The Rule of 72 that savvy investors use to know what their money is really worth. Thank you. Thats why I want to send you the inside information and strategies they already know, before its too late. Click Here today! and what you can do about it starting today! Breaking News! If it did, as polar opposite as those ideologies are, you would see a vast difference in the direction of the country. And do these terms even hold any meaning anymore? We stayed true to the newsletter's original purpose, but also began warning about the government's war on privacy, its use of stealth and deception to steal our wealth and its targeting of our health through misdirection and falsehoods about natural supplements, vaccines and medications. Order Here. And it is especially merciless to people who assume they can live comfortably on a fixed income. You can un-subscribe at any time. (Accomplished via the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal and doesnt hold reserves.), Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. NOTHING IS OFF-LIMITS! As the editor of The Bob Livingston Letter , I pay very close attention to recently resigned or soon-to-be-departed high-level U.S. officials (once they are out of office many are remarkably candid even as the "mainstream" media stop reporting their words). If as few as one million Americans knew this truth, the corrupt political system in America would collapse. New Shows coming . Bob Livingston: Food and water storage now! Legislation Sponsored or Cosponsored by Bob Livingston. But heres the best part. HOME. I am so confident your financial well-being will improve dramatically over the next 24-plus months, if you ever decide you are not satisfied with your subscription, well return every penny you paid even up to the last issue. We will never rent, sell or trade your personal information with anyone. Prices for some commodities have shot through the roof. 3 FREE Months of The Bob Livingston Letter Extra; Free subscription to Bob Livingston Alerts e-newsletter; No credit card required/No strings attached; Price Qty Extended FREE: $0.00: Shipping: $0.00: Tax: $0.00 . 641-741-0030, CLICK HERE FOR RECORDED ARCHIVES/PODCASTS, There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. And they are doing it without anyone passing any new laws. What are the benefits of Bob Livingston conservatism? Have you packed away every penny you legally can for your retirement? All designed to encourage millions of uninformed U.S. investors to keep their money in highly-vulnerable dollar-denominated financial instruments only. Please include me as a member of The Bob Livingston Letter family as indicated below: Good Value: $69: Please subscribe me to The Bob Livingston Letter for TWO years (24 issues) for only $69 (a $49 savings). Imagine a world of $20 per gallon of gasoline $50 hamburgers and average housing rentals costing $10,000 a month or more. Thepeople in political power, under any party name, keep themselves and their buddies in power to keep mass corruption covered up. This is essentially the classical liberalism of Thomas Jefferson/James Madison/Patrick Henry. The reality is that there are two names of political parties, but the philosophy and morality of all politicians is the same. Published by Personal Liberty Media Group To get the most out of your life over 50, you can no longer listen to only one or two paid experts, make your house payments and assume the best. Virtually unreported dire warnings from Americas top investors and former top government officials. The last time the U.S. government tried to spend its way out of a recession (in the 1970s) the inflation rate increased by 500%! He was sure that he did not have a drug deficiency. He served as a U.S. Representative from Louisiana from 1977 to 1999 and as the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee from 1995 to 1999. Bob Livingston is an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, bass player, and a founding member of The Lost Gonzo Band. We founded Personal Liberty in 2008 to further expand our reach. Even when everyone in the know is running for the exits. Vaccines and drugs delivered this way kill natural immunity. Have you packed away every penny you legally can for your retirement? Thats why I hope youll. No, you dont have to liquidate your assets to buy the protection of gold! Bob Livingston Alerts and The Bob Livingston Letter is conducting an urgent poll to ask your opinion regarding the tactics of those who oppose the 2nd Amendment, and the new laws across the country. Bob Livingston is a guest columnist in today's edition of LIBERTY DIGEST. Shocking details of Americas true financial situation the government is trying to hide from Wall Street investors you need to know this while its very limited knowledge. These former insiders are referring to a level of unfunded liability by the Federal government which is so gigantic as to boggle the mind. ), Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. In less than a decade of reckless government expansion, the fundamentals of successful investing, planning and living have undergone a dramatic and potentially dangerous transformation. When America goes abroad seeking monsters to slay among countries that have not attacked us and pose to us no real threat, we act counter to our founding principles and take from others those rights we espouse to uphold. Book and Reports only $149.85 $89 plus $8.95 shipping and handling ($97.95 total). Nine GREAT ways your family can help you shield your assets and protect them from hyperinflation AND the government. This socialistic expansion of government will inevitably lead to a devaluation of the U.S. dollar (hyperinflation) that could wipe out your life savings. Thats $198.85 in FREE Gifts and Savings! Therefore, they have to all be the same. What do the rich buy on? Thats because President Biden and his allies in Congress have embarked on the biggest government spending spree in history. For everyone who subscribes, I will include two FREE BONUSES hot off the presses! The last time the U.S. government tried to spend its way out of a recession (in the 1970s) the inflation rate increased by 500%! Let me send you a fully-guaranteed copy of the updated, revised, improved and expanded Ultimate Hyperinflation Defense Manual absolutely FREE. BOB LIVINGSTON ALERTS. Dont miss this opportunity. The Rule of 72 that savvy investors use to know what their money is really worth. What if you make a mistake? Each Bob Livingston Alert letter you receive will reveal what's going on behind the scenes in our society the stories the elites and their mouthpieces in the mainstream press don't want you to know important issues like forbidden cancer cures. While we have a large core of long-term and dedicated Personal Liberty subscribers and we love and appreciate every one of you we have learned over the nine-plus years of this sites existence that there is a lot of turnover in our subscriber base. (Accomplished via the estate tax. What if the lockdown was all a big mistake? Governments suggest moving to a cashless economy will save the cost of producing, administrating and securing paper money. ALERT! New subscribers find us in any of a number of ways, but many of them happen upon us thinking they have found a Republican Party site or a mainstream conservative site that supports the Republican Party ideologically. Bob Livingston Alert. ", "The Bob Livingston Letter is the best I have ever read in 84 years! CONTACT. And his assessment of the Republican party is spot on. The information I want to send you is essential to anyone who wants to protect their wealth, prepare for their retirement or is already in retirement. Heres how to act, where to buy gold, how to protect it and more! I've been in gold stocks since 2002 and am still okay. Bob is an ultra-conservative American and author of The Bob Livingston Letter, founded in 1969. I have no intention of being either, and I know you feel the same way. BOB LIVINGSTON ALERTS. The minimal result of deceptively programming people in reverse thinking is double thinking. Your information about health and different vitamins you recommend is almost 100% on the button Keep up the good work. John Adams, The Works of John Adams. The 10 best places to go offshore with your wealth so the government cant get at it and the flimsy reason they use to try and seize it! Warnings from Americas top investors and former top government officials 1-800-319-3487 | Fax: |! Natural immunity thepeople in political power, under any party name, keep themselves and their buddies power. The republican party is spot on and do these terms even hold any meaning anymore to have to be..., the corrupt political system in america would collapse passing any New.! Your retirement price of at least $ 89.95, Constitutional government in and! Morality of all politicians is the same thing are equal to each other ever.... Facing some of the property of all emigrants and rebels need to know they! 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